


“Because we cannot scrub our inner body, we need to learn a few skills to help cleanse our tissues, organs, and mind.  This is the art of Ayurveda.” – Sebastian Pole

Ayurveda does not offer a one-size-fits-all solution, it does however, teach us how to align with our body in its truest nature. Bringing awareness and consciousness of mind, body, and spirit, we learn to further connect with ourselves tapping into the wisdom held within. Only once we connect with this inner intelligence will we start healing the deepest parts of ourselves.

In the Ayurvedic practice, the one thing that influences our well-being more than any other is our “Agni” (the metabolic fire).

Agni is responsible for all digestive and metabolic processes in the human body. From digestion of the nutrients in the food we eat to the digestion of our thoughts and emotions. The state of our internal metabolic fire determines our ability to heal and protect against dis-eases.

Cleanses have become very popular during the last decade in the West, however, cleansing has been a staple in Ayurveda since the beginning of time. At Living Veda, we start by determining one’s body-type or Dosha through a consultation. Followed by a specific program devised to match your body’s constitution and combat ailments. There are 3 stages of cleansing: preparation, elimination, and rejuvenation. All of which strengthens and revives Agni, through a gentle and authentic healing process. We prepare and promote the elimination of the toxins with the use of dietary, herbal, and lifestyle recommendations. Along with specific time-tested Ayurvedic treatments that assist the body’s natural detoxification process, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

Some benefits of a cleanse include:

  • Perfect Weight
  • Improved Digestive Strength
  • Healthier elimination
  • Relationship with Food
  • Mental Clarity
  • Increased Energy
  • Release of Aches & Pains
  • Stress Management

Here at Living Veda, we believe in being with you every step of the way to help you through this beneficial and empowering process. For more information please contact us to schedule a consultation to see which cleanse best suits you.